
About Us
Casto-Harris was founded in 1933 and has been the chief West Virginia county government supplier for eighty-one years. We are one of the few companies in the United States that manufacture plastic record binders used by county governments to store vital, permanent records. We have our own line of patented election storage and deployment equipment as well as an innovative, patented voting booth. The record books and election equipment are marketed nationwide.

In West Virginia, Casto-Harris is looked upon as the expert in election supplies, ballot production and related systems. We produce ballots for all 55 West Virginia counties and over 170 West Virginia municipalities. We furnish election precinct supplies for over 90% of West Virginia counties and incorporated municipalities. Over the years, Casto-Harris has produced paper, AVM, Shoup and punch card ballots throughout West Virginia. Since the early 1990s, we have printed optical scan ballots for West Virginia counties using AIS/BRC and ES&S ballot systems.

Between 2001 through 2006, Casto-Harris was instrumental in working with ES&S to have the ES&S optical scan and DRE election systems specified, successfully bid and deployed as the exclusive election systems throughout West Virginia. Casto-Harris presently programs and prints the ballots for all primary and General elections held in West Virginia. Election equipment servicing and maintenance as well as election support training is conducted from our offices.

Since 2006, Casto-Harris has programmed and delivered in excess of 600 ES&S elections in addition to thousands of traditional paper-balloting elections.

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